Wednesday, February 28, 2007

feb 28

the last crosswalk before work
the offence: some tour bus driver (who also nearly cut me off 10 minutes before) decided to give a tour of the steam clock in the middle of the cross walk. while I waited... er... not waited
the sentence: a clean shot point blank right next to the distracted driver's head. unnoticed.


Friday, February 23, 2007

feb 23

coming home from work:
the offence: rolling out a lane and through a sidewalk
the sentence: regulat shot to the back window


Thursday, February 22, 2007

feb 22

on the way home from work:

1) the offence: hummer cuts me off turning right, then has to stop cuz there's no where to go
the sentence: nice big shot to the rear passenger side

2)the office: car guns it through a pedestrian controlled light turned red
the sentence: after being honked at, a nice clean shot to the rear passenger window


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

feb 20

walking home:
the offence: car rolls on through stop sign while pedestrian (me!) is occupying intersection
the sentence: p-toooooie!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

feb 8

at the last crosswalk before gettng to work:
the offence: gunning it through a pedestrian occupied crosswalk
the sentence: good, solid shot to the passenger side rear window

Monday, February 05, 2007

the people vs. the stupid drivers of this city


this photo was taken AFTER this car sat in the same place through the entire preceeding red light. in other words, he made it to that spot when the light was green. then the light turned red. he stayed there. throughout the whole red. and even into the next green.


this photo shows that the inside lane was wide open the whole time he sat there like a fool. not only in a crosswalk, but in an intersection.


this photo shows lego graffiti man looking perplexed at this horrible lack of basic logic.
